############################################################################### # OpenVPN 2.0 Sample Configuration File # for PacketiX VPN / SoftEther VPN Server # # !!! AUTO-GENERATED BY SOFTETHER VPN SERVER MANAGEMENT TOOL !!! # # !!! YOU HAVE TO REVIEW IT BEFORE USE AND MODIFY IT AS NECESSARY !!! # # This configuration file is auto-generated. You might use this config file # in order to connect to the PacketiX VPN / SoftEther VPN Server. # However, before you try it, you should review the descriptions of the file # to determine the necessity to modify to suitable for your real environment. # If necessary, you have to modify a little adequately on the file. # For example, the IP address or the hostname as a destination VPN Server # should be confirmed. # # Note that to use OpenVPN 2.0, you have to put the certification file of # the destination VPN Server on the OpenVPN Client computer when you use this # config file. Please refer the below descriptions carefully. ############################################################################### # Specify the type of the layer of the VPN connection. # # To connect to the VPN Server as a "Remote-Access VPN Client PC", # specify 'dev tun'. (Layer-3 IP Routing Mode) # # To connect to the VPN Server as a bridging equipment of "Site-to-Site VPN", # specify 'dev tap'. (Layer-2 Ethernet Bridgine Mode) dev tun ############################################################################### # Specify the underlying protocol beyond the Internet. # Note that this setting must be correspond with the listening setting on # the VPN Server. # # Specify either 'proto tcp' or 'proto udp'. proto udp ############################################################################### # The destination hostname / IP address, and port number of # the target VPN Server. # # You have to specify as 'remote '. You can also # specify the IP address instead of the hostname. # # Note that the auto-generated below hostname are a "auto-detected # IP address" of the VPN Server. You have to confirm the correctness # beforehand. # # When you want to connect to the VPN Server by using TCP protocol, # the port number of the destination TCP port should be same as one of # the available TCP listeners on the VPN Server. # # When you use UDP protocol, the port number must same as the configuration # setting of "OpenVPN Server Compatible Function" on the VPN Server. # Note: The below hostname is came from the Dynamic DNS Client function # which is running on the VPN Server. If you don't want to use # the Dynamic DNS hostname, replace it to either IP address or # other domain's hostname. remote apacvpn.zserver.org 1194 ############################################################################### # The HTTP/HTTPS proxy setting. # # Only if you have to use the Internet via a proxy, uncomment the below # two lines and specify the proxy address and the port number. # In the case of using proxy-authentication, refer the OpenVPN manual. ;http-proxy-retry ;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port] ############################################################################### # The encryption and authentication algorithm. # # Default setting is good. Modify it as you prefer. # When you specify an unsupported algorithm, the error will occur. # # The supported algorithms are as follows: # cipher: [NULL-CIPHER] NULL AES-128-CBC AES-192-CBC AES-256-CBC BF-CBC # CAST-CBC CAST5-CBC DES-CBC DES-EDE-CBC DES-EDE3-CBC DESX-CBC # RC2-40-CBC RC2-64-CBC RC2-CBC CAMELLIA-128-CBC CAMELLIA-192-CBC CAMELLIA-256-CBC # auth: SHA SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 MD5 MD4 RMD160 cipher AES-128-CBC auth SHA1 ############################################################################### # Other parameters necessary to connect to the VPN Server. # # It is not recommended to modify it unless you have a particular need. resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun client verb 3 ############################################################################### # Authentication with credentials. # # Comment the line out in case you want to use the certificate authentication. auth-user-pass ############################################################################### # The certificate file of the destination VPN Server. # # The CA certificate file is embedded in the inline format. # You can replace this CA contents if necessary. # Please note that if the server certificate is not a self-signed, you have to # specify the signer's root certificate (CA) here. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFazCCA1OgAwIBAgIRAIIQz7DSQONZRGPgu2OCiwAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw TzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxKTAnBgNVBAoTIEludGVybmV0IFNlY3VyaXR5IFJlc2Vh cmNoIEdyb3VwMRUwEwYDVQQDEwxJU1JHIFJvb3QgWDEwHhcNMTUwNjA0MTEwNDM4 WhcNMzUwNjA0MTEwNDM4WjBPMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEpMCcGA1UEChMgSW50ZXJu ZXQgU2VjdXJpdHkgUmVzZWFyY2ggR3JvdXAxFTATBgNVBAMTDElTUkcgUm9vdCBY MTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBAK3oJHP0FDfzm54rVygc h77ct984kIxuPOZXoHj3dcKi/vVqbvYATyjb3miGbESTtrFj/RQSa78f0uoxmyF+ 0TM8ukj13Xnfs7j/EvEhmkvBioZxaUpmZmyPfjxwv60pIgbz5MDmgK7iS4+3mX6U A5/TR5d8mUgjU+g4rk8Kb4Mu0UlXjIB0ttov0DiNewNwIRt18jA8+o+u3dpjq+sW T8KOEUt+zwvo/7V3LvSye0rgTBIlDHCNAymg4VMk7BPZ7hm/ELNKjD+Jo2FR3qyH B5T0Y3HsLuJvW5iB4YlcNHlsdu87kGJ55tukmi8mxdAQ4Q7e2RCOFvu396j3x+UC B5iPNgiV5+I3lg02dZ77DnKxHZu8A/lJBdiB3QW0KtZB6awBdpUKD9jf1b0SHzUv KBds0pjBqAlkd25HN7rOrFleaJ1/ctaJxQZBKT5ZPt0m9STJEadao0xAH0ahmbWn OlFuhjuefXKnEgV4We0+UXgVCwOPjdAvBbI+e0ocS3MFEvzG6uBQE3xDk3SzynTn jh8BCNAw1FtxNrQHusEwMFxIt4I7mKZ9YIqioymCzLq9gwQbooMDQaHWBfEbwrbw qHyGO0aoSCqI3Haadr8faqU9GY/rOPNk3sgrDQoo//fb4hVC1CLQJ13hef4Y53CI rU7m2Ys6xt0nUW7/vGT1M0NPAgMBAAGjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNV HRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBR5tFnme7bl5AFzgAiIyBpY9umbbjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAVR9YqbyyqFDQDLHYGmkgJykIrGF1XIpu+ILlaS/V9lZL ubhzEFnTIZd+50xx+7LSYK05qAvqFyFWhfFQDlnrzuBZ6brJFe+GnY+EgPbk6ZGQ 3BebYhtF8GaV0nxvwuo77x/Py9auJ/GpsMiu/X1+mvoiBOv/2X/qkSsisRcOj/KK NFtY2PwByVS5uCbMiogziUwthDyC3+6WVwW6LLv3xLfHTjuCvjHIInNzktHCgKQ5 ORAzI4JMPJ+GslWYHb4phowim57iaztXOoJwTdwJx4nLCgdNbOhdjsnvzqvHu7Ur TkXWStAmzOVyyghqpZXjFaH3pO3JLF+l+/+sKAIuvtd7u+Nxe5AW0wdeRlN8NwdC jNPElpzVmbUq4JUagEiuTDkHzsxHpFKVK7q4+63SM1N95R1NbdWhscdCb+ZAJzVc oyi3B43njTOQ5yOf+1CceWxG1bQVs5ZufpsMljq4Ui0/1lvh+wjChP4kqKOJ2qxq 4RgqsahDYVvTH9w7jXbyLeiNdd8XM2w9U/t7y0Ff/9yi0GE44Za4rF2LN9d11TPA mRGunUHBcnWEvgJBQl9nJEiU0Zsnvgc/ubhPgXRR4Xq37Z0j4r7g1SgEEzwxA57d emyPxgcYxn/eR44/KJ4EBs+lVDR3veyJm+kXQ99b21/+jh5Xos1AnX5iItreGCc= -----END CERTIFICATE----- ############################################################################### # Client certificate and key. # # A pair of client certificate and private key is required in case you want to # use the certificate authentication. # # To enable it, uncomment the lines below. # Paste your certificate in the block and the key in the one. ; ;-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ; ;-----END CERTIFICATE----- ; ; ;-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ; ;-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ;