What do I get if I donate?
Well, Donators get almost all the commands admins have (No ban hammer). Your able to fly, speedhack, etc. You get protected areas of land to prevent unwanted visitors. You also get unlimited homes as in /set home and /home. You also will get promoted at the end of your month to Builder+ or Loyal permanently. Ask an admin for details.
World Edit Permissions can be purchased on top of everything the Donator rank has for $14/mo giving you the Donator+ rank. This can also potentially lead to being trusted with Voxel Sniper for no additional cost giving you the *Donator++ rank.
The cost to you:
For every $2.50 you donate is +1 month of Donator. $5/mo gets you Donator+(++*) status.
Can I send my donation as a gift to someone?
Absolutely, just enter their username instead of yours when checking out.
Can I donate custom amounts?
You can donate custom amounts by logging into PayPal and sending money to paypalsupport@mczserver.com for donating you will receive recognition on our Facebook page for donating. You will not receive all the benefits that Donators have.
* Donator++ requires admin trust/approval before being trusted with Voxel Sniper for no additional cost after already receiving the Donator+ rank with your $14/mo donation.
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